Main activities Korea Association of Construction Engineering & Management

Main activities

      Our Association improves the Construction Engineering System & Works, Promotes the healthy development of Construction Technology and
      develops various businesses broadly in order to be faithful in foundation purpose of KACEM which contributes to public goods.

      • Protection of Rights and Interests of Members

        In accordance with 'Construction Technology Promotion Act Article 69', KACEM is established for cooperation and interest advocacy for construction engineering entity and we strive proactively to reflect construction technology system in the policies of government for the development of construction engineering industry.

      • Improvement of Construction Engineering related laws and regulation

        We have continuously proposed to the government the reasonable improvement plan for relative laws and regulations to strengthen the
        technological competitiveness and improve system in construction engineering industry (every year, open regular 'policy meeting' with relating
        organization such as Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport).

      • Improvement of Construction Engineering

        We are authoring and distributing major technology related books such as construction project management operating procedures,
        supervision Handbook' for KACEM members to carry construction engineering projects efficiently.

      • Production and Distribution of Newsletter and web magazine for construction engineering management

        To protect the rights and interests and empower construction engineering industry, we are actively developing a variety of external public relations
        activities such as advertisement, press release distribution, press conference. Newsletter (bimonthly) and web magazine (frequently) are produced and
        distributed to deliver the industry trends and technical information on a regular basis.

      • Educating Professional Construction Engineer

        We are operating specialized program for professional construction engineer which has been approved by the Ministry of Land and Transport in
        December 1997, practical case education have completed for about 6,000 professional construction engineers annually.

      • Supporting member's overseas expansion

        To encourage member's overseas expansion, we are promoting international exchanges with relevant agencies and organizations such as Chinese Transportation and Construction Supervision Association & Japan Construction Engineering Research Center, and supporting with
        overseas briefings and free courses for practical construction English.

      • Frequent announcement of Improvement of Construction related 'Laws and Administrative Regulations'

        Changes in construction related Laws and Administrative Regulations (PQ criteria, sub-contractor selection criteria, construction project management
        cost standard) are announced frequently in official notice and website. Business briefings, and business personnel meetings are held for members to
        carry efficient business.

      • Processing of government commissioned business

        In accordance with Construction Technology Promotion Act, performance management and registration business commissioned from the
        Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport & Mayor/Do Governor are carried out as follows.

        < The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport commissioned >
        - Construction Engineering(Design, CM, Supervision) performance management and issue of certificate
        - Maintenance and monitoring registration status of construction engineering companies
        - Management of current status of administrative sanctions related to construction engineering entity, Issue of experience and
           possession certificate of construction engineer

        < Mayor/Do Governor commissioned >
        - Management of current status and registration of construction engineering(construction technology service) business